
zoty中欧体育|华为推出新款手机P9 搅动高端手机市场
发表时间:2024-09-30 14:12:07
本文摘要:Huawei will mount its biggest challenge to rival high-end smartphone makers with a revamped flagship device and big budget advertising campaign designed to win over Western consumers. 通过全新旗舰产品和目的谋求西方消费者的大手笔广告宣传战,华为(Huawei)将向高端智能手机制造商输掉发动仅次于挑战。

Huawei will mount its biggest challenge to rival high-end smartphone makers with a revamped flagship device and big budget advertising campaign designed to win over Western consumers. 通过全新旗舰产品和目的谋求西方消费者的大手笔广告宣传战,华为(Huawei)将向高端智能手机制造商输掉发动仅次于挑战。The Chinese telecoms group on Tuesday unveiled its latest handset, the P9, which features an advanced Leica camera and will pit the company against recently launched devices from Samsung and Apple. 周二,这家中国电信集团公布了最新款手机P9。这款配有先进设备的徕卡(Leicas)摄像头的手机,将让华为与三星(Samsung)和苹果(Apple)近期公布的手机一较高下。

Huawei is planning its largest global marketing campaign to support the launch of the phone. The effort will help push the Huawei brand in Europe, according to Colin Giles, executive vice-president of Huawei’s consumer business group. 华为正在筹划一场该公司史上最大规模的全球营销战,以反对这款手机的发售。根据华为消费者业务部门继续执行副总裁赵科林(Colin Giles)的众说纷纭,此举将有助在欧洲推展华为品牌。The company has built the third-largest smartphone franchise in the world with successive ranges of reasonably priced but technologically advanced devices. The previous flagship phone, the P8, sold about 5m units. 该公司已竣工了全球第三大智能手机经销系统,销售定价合理、技术先进设备的手机系列产品。

其之前的旗舰手机P8销量大约为500万部。In most respects, the P9 is much like other high-end Android devices but that in itself is significant given Huawei’s traditional position at the low- or mid-end of the smartphone market. 从多方面来说,P9与其他高端Android手机十分类似于。不过,考虑到华为在智能手机中低端市场的传统定位,该手机本身意义根本性。

Mr Giles described the new phone as the “biggest launch we have had”, adding that the “aspiration is to create a premium device to compete with Apple and Samsung”. 赵科林称之为这款新手机是“我们史上的仅次于动作”,并补足说道“我们渴求打造出一款高端手机,与苹果和三星竞争”。Huawei has struggled to gain the sort of brand recognition of rival groups, with much of the early coverage of the company focused on the damaging accusations from US politicians of links with the Chinese state. 早期,很多有关华为的报导集中于来自美国政界的有负面影响的指控,这些指控称之为华为与中国政府有关系。

出于这个原因,华为很难夺得与输掉类似于的品牌接纳程度。But the company said its consumer business reported a 73 per cent growth in annual revenue in 2015 to $19.9bn, which it ascribed to improvements in its products and growing recognition as a consumer brand. 不过该公司回应,2015年其消费者业务部门袭港年度营收199亿美元,增长幅度约73%。该公司将这一快速增长得益于产品提高和其作为消费品牌日益受到的接纳。Huawei has become the largest smartphone maker in China and is in the top three handset makers in 10 European countries. 华为已沦为中国仅次于智能手机制造商,并且是10个欧洲国家的前三大手机制造商。

